Created in collaboration with Emi Frohn, Katie Harvey, Ben Colvin, Allysa Benedict, and Sam Palanuk
Client: The Vesalius Trust
Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe AfterEffects
Primary Audience: The medical illustration community
I came together with five other BVIS students to form Team Blood Type BVIS and create a submission for the Vesalius Trust-A-Thon. This event, which was hosted by the Vesalius Trust, challenged medical artists to create a visual representation of the theme “Apart But Together” in order to raise money for research in biomedical communication.
Our animation highlighted the collaborative nature of our field and the importance of our work in communicating relevant scientific topics. Our team raised over $2,000, won first place, and won the People’s Choice Award.
My role included animation and asset development for various scenes.
Learn more about our team here.